My Experience at LGM-VIP’22

Rakesh Kumar Nayak
2 min readJan 18, 2022

Hello everyone!

Myself Rakesh !

I am writing here to share my experience as a Data Science Intern at Lets Grow More Virtual Internship Program for January 2022. This internship has been a valuable one in that I have learned many things. It helped reinforce my knowledge of responsibility, focus, drive and ambition. It was a 1month internship where i had complete 3 tasks. Two of tasks were beginner level and one was intermediate.

  1. Beginner Level Task :- Image to Pencil Sketch with Python, Iris Flower Classification ML Project
  2. Intermediate Level Task :- Prediction using Decision Tree Algorithm.

Task1:- Image to Pencil Sketch with Python

Github Repo —

In this task, Its read the image in RBG format and then convert it to a grayscale image.

Task 2:- Prediction using Decision Tree Algorithm.

Github Repo —

In this task, I create the Decision Tree classifier and visualize it graphically.

The purpose is if we feed any new data to this classifier, it would be able to predict the right class accordingly.

Task 3:-Iris Flower Classification ML Project

Github Repo —

The iris flowers dataset contains numeric attributes, and it is perfect for beginners to learn about supervised ML algorithms, mainly how to load and handle data.

I successfully completed the first 2 tasks — Beginner Level, and Intermediate Level. And then another task for learning and letter of recommendation. I learned a lot during my internship period. This gave me an opportunity to create some new elements which I had never created before. I really enjoyed it a lot.

I am thankful to Aman Kesarwani and LetsGrowMore for giving me the opportunity.

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